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Hoax News





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



Hoax News(圖1)-速報App

Fake news in India has led to episodes of violence between castes and religions and interfered with public policies. It often spreads through the smartphone instant messengers.

On November 8, 2016, India established a 2,000-rupee currency bill on the same day as the Indian 500 and 1,000 rupee note demonetisation. Fake news went viral over Whatsapp that the note came equipped with spying technology that tracked bills 120 meters below the earth. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley refuted the falsities, but not before they had spread to the country's mainstream news outlets.Later, in May 2017, seven people were lynched as rumor of child abductions spread through WhatsApp in a village.

Prabhakar Kumar of the Indian media research agency CMS, told The Guardian India was harder hit by fake news because the country lacked media policy for verification. Law enforcement officers in India arrested individuals with charges of creating fictitious articles, predominantly if there was likelihood the articles inflamed societal conflict.

In April 2018, the Information and Broadcasting Ministry said the government would cancel the accreditation of journalists found to be sharing fake news, but this was quickly retracted after criticism that this was an attack on freedom of the press.

In June 2018 mobs murdered a governmental employee, Sukanta Chakraborty, who was fighting against false news and rumours, and two other unrelated people. More people were severely injured. The local government temporarily shut down mobile Internet and texting services. (Source Wikipedia)

Fake News also leads to Mob Lynching and Death of Innocent people.We People spread it and we should stop it.Its Already a major issue and now its our priority to stop it.

To Stop it we need to stop forwarding messages we receive and take a screenshot of it and post it on "Hoax News".Hoax News users will see and comment their opinions on it weather its fake or not.

Hoax News(圖2)-速報App

Your 1 post might save someone's life.Instead of forwarding it you should post it on Hoax News to stop Fake news and save lives.

Using Hoax News is pretty simple.

You'll just have to login or make a new account.

Then start scrolling the feed full of fake news.

You can post your opinions with just few touches.

You saw a fake news?Got a forwarded message? Post it by just clicking the Plus Button.

You can follow users who post the fake news first and see the news first before anyone else.

Hoax News(圖3)-速報App

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